Tuesday, 19 August 2014 00:00

Number Nine Imagine 128

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1st 128-bit card.


CL-GD5422 chip with 512kB is for DOS modes. Prices were $999 and $1,499 (better Ramdac = higher resolutions) - both 4MB. Imagine128 Pro 8MB - $1999.
W95 drivers won't work in W98. W98 and WXP have working drivers from Microsoft. In WinXP is card much faster.

Palcal's card:

(766) Number Nine Imagine 128 4MB
(766) Number Nine Imagine 128 4MB
(766) Number Nine Imagine 128 4MB
(766) Number Nine Imagine 128 4MB
(766) Number Nine Imagine 128 4MB
(766) Number Nine Imagine 128 4MB


Vlask's card:

Imagine 128 4MB
Imagine 128 4MB
Imagine 128 4MB
Imagine 128 4MB
Imagine 128 4MB
Imagine 128 4MB
Imagine 128 boot screen
Imagine 128 boot screen
Imagine 128 boot screen

Additional Info

  • Made by: Number Nine
  • Codename: Imagine 128GD5422
  • Bus: PCI
  • Memory Size: 4MB
  • Max Memory Size: 8MB
  • Memory Type: VRAM
  • Year: 1994
  • Card Type: VGA
  • Manufacturer: LSI Logic
  • Made in: Hong Kong
  • Owned by: Vlask, Palcal, Pepino
  • Outputs: 15 pin D‐sub
  • Price $: 1999
  • Core: 128bit
  • Memory Bus Width: 128bit
  • Memory Bandwidth (MB/s): 500
  • Sold by: Number Nine
Read 37998 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 January 2018 09:34

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