Sunday, 24 May 2015 10:21

Apple 343S1069-343S1060

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Apple chipset from Macintosh LC III.


Graphics chipset from Apple Macintosh LC III computer (1993). Could be used also on other models (1991 date on chips). Looking for following info: which chip is RAMDAC and main graphics chipset? Bigger 343S1069 near DB-15 video out or smaller 343S1060 near memory?. Chips are probably made by Sierra.

Vlask's chips:

Apple 343S1069/343S1060 chips
Apple 343S1069/343S1060 chips
Apple 343S1069/343S1060 chips
Apple Macintosh LC III board
Apple Macintosh LC III board
Apple Macintosh LC III board

Additional Info

Read 15938 times Last modified on Sunday, 24 May 2015 11:20


More in this category: « IBM 15F6864


# RE: Apple 343S1069-343S1060Lee 2016-02-11 20:41
343S1069 appears to be the CLUT/DAC (it's otherwise unnamed on the developer's note), and 343S1060 is "Omega", a clock generator chip. The graphics controller itself is built into the large "Sonora" LSI in the middle of the board.

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